Turning 65 and Medicare in Florida
If you are turning 65 soon, it’s time to apply for Medicare. This is a good thing, because there are many excellent benefits that come with it. Even if you still have employer health insurance at 65, Medicare benefits work in coordination with that coverage to enhance or supplement it. For example, Medicare Part A covers hospital stay costs, and is free if you’ve worked 10 years or more while paying Medicare taxes.
When to apply for Medicare in Florida
You have a seven-month window, called the Initial Enrollment Period, to apply for Medicare. This window consists of:
The three months before the month you turn 65.
The month you turn 65.
The three months after the month you turn 65.
How to apply for Medicare in Florida
You can sign up for Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) at any Social Security office or online. The Social Security Administration has a secure online portal where you can sign up in about 10 minutes.
If you’re getting Social Security benefits at least four months before your 65th birthday, you’re automatically enrolled in Medicare Part A and Part B. Social Security will send you Medicare information and a Medicare card prior to your 65th birthday.
Here’s what you’ll need to apply for Original Medicare:
Your Social Security card (or record of your number)
Your original birth certificate
Proof of U.S. citizenship or legal residency
A W-2 form if you’re still working
How to sign up for Medicare Advantage (Part C) or Medicare Part D
Original Medicare is a federal government program that doesn’t include Medicare Part C or Part D. Simply Healthcare offers Medicare Advantage plans (Part C) that include prescription drug coverage (Part D).
You must have Part A and Part B before signing up for a Medicare Advantage or Part D plan. You can add a Medicare Advantage or prescription drug plan during your Initial Enrollment Period or during the Annual Enrollment Period between October 15 and December 7.
Get the most out of Medicare with a Florida Medicare Advantage plan from Simply Healthcare
Simply Healthcare’s Medicare Advantage Plans cover items that Part A and Part B do not, such as prescription drugs, dental, vision and hearing aids. Medicare Advantage plans also have other benefits, such as fitness program memberships, personal home helpers, transportation to doctor visits and more. We also have Medicare Special Needs Plans in Florida designed for people diagnosed with certain conditions or diseases.
Non-Discrimination Notice: The plan documents may be available in other languages. Or, if you have special needs, the documents may be available in other formats. Please call Customer Service for details. Please review the Notice of Non-Discrimination in Health Programs and Activities (234 KB).
Benefits, premiums, copays and plans may vary by county. Medicare Advantage plans may not be available in all countries. This information is not a complete description of benefits. Contact the plan for more information.
Simply Healthcare Plans, Inc. is a Medicare-contracted coordinated care plan that has a Medicaid contract with the State of Florida Agency for Health Care Administration to provide benefits or arrange for benefits to be provided to enrollees. Enrollment in Simply Healthcare Plans, Inc. depends on contract renewal.